A climate-neutral Belgium by 2050 at the lowest societal cost
In recent years, EnergyVille has been researching the optimal way to achieve a climate-neutral Belgium by 2050 at the lowest societal cost. In the study…
European wind energy target for 2030 is within reach
WindEurope’s recent report highlights significant strides in Europe’s wind energy sector, with a record 16.2 GW of new onshore and offshore capacity installed in 2023.
Belgian offshore wind farms satisfied with wind year 2023
The Belgian wind farms (Mermaid, Nobelwind, Belwind, Seastar, Northwind, Rentel, C-Power, Northwester 2 and Norther) on the North Sea are looking back with satisfaction on…
The European Commission published the Wind Power Package in October. Fifteen direct actions that ensure that the competitiveness of the European wind value chain can…
Storm Ciarán is blowing fiercely through our region: what does this mean for our Belgian offshore wind farms?
The winter months traditionally provide the best production figures. Due to the higher wind speeds and the absence of windless days, the wind turbines run…
BOP has appointed Bérénice Crabs as its new Secretary General
Brussels, 9 October 2023 Starting the 1th of October 2023, Bérénice Crabs took up her position as Secretary General of BOP. She succeeds Annemie Vermeylen,…
BOP deeply regrets the rushed conclusions of the short feasibility study on the possible planning of renewable energy zones in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Brussels, 4 October 2023 BOP deeply regrets the rushed conclusions of the short feasibility study on the possible planning of renewable energy zones in the…
Climate-friendly North Sea electricity for 2.2 million Belgian households
After ten years of construction and gradual completion of wind farms in the Belgian North Sea, the provisional maximum capacity of 2,262 GW was reached…
Wind energy and nature protection can and must advance together in the North Sea
Brussels, 24 June 2021 – The Belgian Offshore Platform (BOP) and 4Sea (Bond Beter Leefmilieu, Greenpeace Belgium, Natuurpunt and WWF-Belgium) are jointly convinced…
Throughout Sunday, electricity was produced in the Belgian North Sea, but due to circumstances not at the maximum production of 1550 MW. The smallest wind…
Offshore wind energy in the Belgian part of the North Sea: up to 4,000 MW by 2024
The Belgian Offshore Platform hands over 2019-2024 memorandum to the Prime Minister With six offshore wind farms and a 1,556 MW production capacity, Belgium is…
New space for offshore wind energy = good for the climate and the economy!
Brussels, 7 December 2018 – The federal government approves the North Sea plan proposed by Secretary of State De Backer. The Belgian Offshore Platform…
Wind energy from the Belgian part of the North Sea: green electricity for a million families in 2018!
In 2017 in the Belgian part of the North Sea, 2,867 gigawatt hours of electricity was produced, enough to satisfy the average electricity consumption of…
Green light for 716 MW of offshore wind energy in the Belgian part of the North Sea!
After more than a year of uncertainty about the investment climate for the Mermaid, Northwester 2 and Seastar wind farms, the federal government decided on…
A positive reception for Prime Minister Michel’s unambiguous statement on climate policy
Prime Minister Michel said yesterday in the Belgian House of Representatives that “failure is not an option in the fight against global warming.” The offshore…
4 GW of wind energy in the Belgian part of the North Sea?
On 8 February 2017, Belgium’s Federal Secretary of State for the North Sea, Philippe De Backer, launched an initiative to review the marine spatial planning…
Belgium’s largest offshore wind turbine park – Norther – is fully financed and ready for construction
The construction of Belgium’s largest wind turbine park can now actually get underway. Following approval by the European Commission of the government’s state support proposals,…
Cost of Belgian offshore wind lower than the European average
The support cost to society of helping to finance Belgian offshore wind energy production is lower than in neighbouring countries. The gross income from the…
The Board of Directors of the Belgian Offshore Platform (BOP) has appointed Annemie Vermeylen as Secretary-General of the BOP. She succeeds Lut Vande Velde, who…
Offshore wind energy acknowledges the new state support mechanism but regrets a continuing lack of clarity on a number of key issues
The government has today reached agreement about the reform of the state support mechanism for offshore wind. With this agreement, the sector hopes it will…
Minister of Energy Marghem recognizes the need for a clear vision on energy and a stable investment climate
Federal Minister of Energy, Marie-Christine Marghem, today jointly opened the EWEA Conference in Paris, one of the most important yearly gatherings of the European wind…
Offshore wind energy is playing an increasingly important role in the renewable energy sector. In due course, the production of wind energy at sea will…
In recent months, the operators of the offshore wind turbine parks in the North Sea have completed a preventative maintenance programme in order to ensure…
Offshore wind crucial for Belgian security of supply and energy independence
By 2020, offshore wind energy will supply 10 % of Belgium's electricity needs. A local production capacity and security of supply also serve the wider…
Offshore wind energy: lack of clarity and limited duration of the new support mechanism threaten future investment
The remaining ambiguities in the royal decree of 4 April 2014 concerning “the setting up of mechanisms for promoting electricity generated from renewable energy sources”,…
Nuclear decommissioning: Belgians have a clear preference for renewable energy production
An IPSOS survey (commissioned by the renewable energy federations ODE, EDORA and BOP) shows that almost seven out of every ten Belgians has a preference…
The C-Power wind park, which was officially inaugurated in September of last year, operated at full capacity in December and January, producing in those two…
Reform of state support for offshore wind: agreement with the federal government
Yesterday (19-12-2013), the government reached agreement about the reform of the support mechanism for offshore wind. This brings to an end a period of uncertainty…
New record for the production of wind powered electricity in Belgium
This afternoon the Belgian record for the production of electricity by wind power was broken. Grid operator ELIA recorded a production level of 1,200 MW.
Parkwind has agreed a strategic partnership with the Japanese industrial group Sumitomo. As a result, the current investors in Parkwind and its management team, as…