Offshore wind parks produce electricity for 800,000 families


In the first quarter of this year, the 181 wind turbines in the Belgian area of the North Sea produced 722,000 MWh of renewable energy. This is equivalent to the consumption of approximately 800,000 families during the same period.

During the first three months of 2015, the sea turbines of C-Power, Northwind and Belwind produced ca. 722,000 MWh of renewable electricity. With a total of 712 MW of installed capacity, the Belgian offshore wind sector already makes a significant contribution towards the supply of the Belgian energy market.

In the years ahead, five new wind parks will be constructed in the North Sea: Seastar, Mermaid, Northwester2, Norther and Rentel. The second phase of the Belwind concession will also be realized. As soon as all eight parks are operational (foreseen for 2020), total production capacity will amount to 2,200 MW, with the sea turbines generating around 8 TWh of electricity each year. This is equivalent to 10% of the total electricity consumption in Belgium.

This confirms yet again that offshore wind energy already occupies an important place in Belgian security of supply. With the further development of more parks, its share can only increase,” according to Jean de Leu, chairman of Belgian Offshore Platform. He also points to the importance of the sector for job creation and emphasizes the level of investment involved in the construction of the five additional parks. It is therefore patently clear that wind at sea must be an integral part of any future energy pact for Belgium.